Yes, this time its going to be on english. I don’t really know how many are following this site and especially not from other countries. A few days ago, a good friend and I was on the beach photographing. Well, it was mainly him, because I was the assistant at the scene. And in the end, a pretty poor one, because he ended up carrying most of his gear him self 😉 And the reason, the BMW above. A german journalist and photographer was testing this BMW Z4 iDrive 35is for an article for the online magazine fantaticar.de. We spoke […]

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BMW Z4 iDrive 35is BMW Z4 iDrive 35is DSC_9586-facebook BMW Z4 iDrive 35is DSC_9572-facebook BMW Z4 iDrive 35is
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Det er ved at være længe siden, jeg sidst har postet noget på min blog her. Og det er nok fordi, der ikke er sket de helt vilde ting. Jeg har dog lavet en video-præsentation med stederne vi skal besøge på årets islandstur, og den er lagt ud på youtube.

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